Friday, February 10, 2012

First Post

So this is my first post. I figured the best use for this post would be to explain the purpose behind this blog.

  1. To share information I find on any of my hobbies (crochet, yarn, drawing, woodworking, ect.)
  2. To tell you whats happening in my life =) just big interesting things 
  3. Share my current projects and future project ideas
  4. Help others who might have questions about how I do things =)
  5. Give links to some free patterns I found on the internet
So to finish off this post I'm gonna show you guys some little monsters I made  based on this fabulous pattern I found on Allison Hoffman's blog:

If you'd like to go make some of your own just check that out the pattern is free =)

 Here's the whole family together

 This one I named Grump

 This one is the copy of the other orange one

 This is the first one I made =)

 This is the original orange one 

 this one is loosely based off Frankenstein, so I named him Franky

 This is my chaotic work space =) I have both orange guys in my hands

 This one is named Ghost 

The two orange ones look the same cause the second was based off the first, but if you look close the second has brown eyes and the first has black. =) also the second's teeth are smaller.


  1. Awesome job, Monica! Thanks for posting them on Facebook! My workspace looks really similar to yours :)

    1. Yay! thank you sooo much =) I'm so glad to hear that I have some similarities to someone who's so talented =) I love your free patterns. hopefully you'll see more of them here soon. I make my own patterns too, but it takes so long =) so glad you like them =)
