Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Awesome Paper Star Usage

So in my last post I showed you the stars I learned to make in my cousin, Nikki in Stitches, class. They were sitting on my desk for a day or so when I realized what they would be perfect for. When we got here we had a plain door with just two yellow paper bricks with our names on them and my roommate Cristina hated them. So I've been trying to think of something to replace them for about 2 months. Combine that with the stars sitting on my desk and you can guess what happened

What you'll need is: The stars or any shapes you like, scissors, a compass or a round hole punch or circle cutting skills, and microsoft word or nice handwriting. 

I simply typed out my name. Made the first letter size 84 font and the other letters a size 74 font. You can make it as big or small as you like. I then spaced the letters so I could cut them out as circles and not ovals. They need to have more space from the center to the left or right then half of the height of the letter. 

This is what they looked like finished 

I don't think I told you about decorating the door before so I'll explain really quick what my roommate did =) my roommate is very big on fashion and she especially likes the girls in magazines. We had a lot of half cut up magazines from when we did the magazine letters, which I showed in a post a couple weeks ago. 

She started at the top and just taped page after page to the door in rows she went back after and filled in the gaps. There is about a half inch gap at the bottom, but i like it because it gives me a guilt free spot to hold the door open with my foot without worrying about hurting the paper. Best part is that even it you do rip a paper or mess it up in any way all you have to do is take the page off and tape a new one on. 

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