My friends and I were in CVS and the weather is just starting to get
nice so my friends Chelsey and Cristina decided to get side walk chalk.
The campus is pretty slow and empty on weekends so we went up onto the
balcony of one of the building and just drew random stuff. So I guess
this is what you get when ou give a bunch of college students a box of
chalk. Below are some of the things I drew, I think it's funny half of
it is wool/yarn involved.
I tried to make this like those Mary Poppins chalk drawings that you can just jump into. I think I did an ok job.
Vortex =) @ <--vortex
Ball of yarn =) one of my favorite things to doodle, because it's soooo easy.
I finally learned how to draw sheep!! I've tried before and it always end up horrible and creepy, but I just figured out a couple of days ago while in class =) I drew three in class and names them Knit, Cro and Yarn. I'll probably put a picture up eventually of them.
This is a picture of me my friend Cristina drew. I just cut my hair pretty short so it's pretty accurate I also almost always have that huge smile on my face =) My nickname in high school was "Momica" or "Mama Pit" cause I take care for everyone like family.
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