Friday, March 6, 2015

Baby Gift for my Cousin

           My cousin was expecting his first baby. So I wanted to make him a nice gift for the baby. Normally it would be pretty simple, a pastel or rainbow colored baby blanket, because where I live and where most of my family lives it is a useful gift. When I suggested this to my Aunt she reminded me that he is stationed in Hawaii and that even though they may use the gift it would be very rarely.

           I was then thinking of making a crocheted mobile, but this posed problems, because I did not know how they were going to hang it and my Aunt did not know what theme if any they were using for the nursery.

           I then set my sights on making some sort of toy. This is a little harder, because the did not intend to find out the gender of the baby. This ruled out any blue or pink stuffed animals. I then thought maybe I'd use that interesting camo yarn because my cousin is in the military, but I'm not sure how they'd feel about that. So that idea was also out.

           I was almost about to give up the whole idea when I thought of just making a simple color cube. Colors are good for brain development so I always try to make baby items colorful and I think this fits the bill. It also has a rattle in the very middle, so it makes noise as you shake it. I placed the sides so that each of the secondary colors was next to the two primary colors that produce it. This is easy to make because you only need 6 squares of any color(s) which you then stuff and sew together.

           Over all a very simple baby gift that I hope my cousin will like.

(This is a post from a couple years back that I never posted . He now has two children, but I still wanted to share the simple idea.)

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